Wednesday, February 27, 2008

RSS feeds


I am computer literate but I do not spend all my time in front of a computer so I can't imagine using RSS feeds all that often. But I have notice that the latest version of explorer allows you to add RSS feeds straight to your computer without going to a special RSS programme. When I find time, I am going to explore this further. I think this would be more convenient than a specialised RSS feed site.

I have added about 7 RSS feeds to my blogline site and now I am going to attempt adding a feed to this blog

Well lets see if this works.

I think using RSS feeds to keep up to date with sites that are important to libraries would be a good use. An example of such a site is ABS.


Sunday, February 24, 2008



This is a photo ( or it may turn into a few, as there are many beautiful photos) of where I live. Enjoy.
The first photo show what the weather has been like recently, the second illustrates the usual weather patterns we experience.
I have to say that it is not easy to determine whether the photographer would like these photos to be used by the general public. The symbols illustrating this are easy to understand but very hard to locate on the flickr website.

Downfall of instant notification

Technology seems to be changing the way we soicalised. For example my son has just turned 16 and so we were trying to organise a party. He enjoys music and his original idea was to hire a small hall and get his friend's band to play at the party to about 20 invited guests. I had to veto this idea due to the fact that technology allows instant notification of party details and this allows gatecrashers to be almost a certainly.

The next idea was to have a party at my parents' place on a Saturday evening. There is a large room down stairs where they can play music and an inground pool for swimming. This idea was veto for the exact same reason above.

24 years ago this kind of party would of and did take place and without the fear of gatecrashers arriving and causing damaged.

The immediacy of instant notification allows individuals to act on impulse and the results of this impulsive behaviour is quickly changing the way we celebrate significant milestones in our lives.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week 2


The technology in learning 2.0 is not unfamilar to me as I used the information from the originial programme in an university assignment last semester. As I was more concern with completing my assignments, I did not have time to play with the new technology, so I am looking forward to doing this while completing this programme.

I can't imagine myself being a blog user as I prefer doing other things than sitting at a computer all day but my 16 year old son would have a different opinion. This difference in opinion can be contribute to the difference between generation X and Y.
