Sunday, February 24, 2008



This is a photo ( or it may turn into a few, as there are many beautiful photos) of where I live. Enjoy.
The first photo show what the weather has been like recently, the second illustrates the usual weather patterns we experience.
I have to say that it is not easy to determine whether the photographer would like these photos to be used by the general public. The symbols illustrating this are easy to understand but very hard to locate on the flickr website.


pls@slnsw said...

Hi Cariad,
I think you selected nice photos wish I were there.
When looking for photos in Flickr
if you click in the photo then scrolldown you will see under additional information if it is for public use or

Do an advance search and limit to creative commons.

Continue your discovery trip and have fun

Cariad said...

Thanks Ori, I see what you mean. When I try to publish a photo from Flickr to my blog. It doesn't appear as an image but a link to the photo on flickr. Is there a way to correct this?
