Saturday, June 14, 2008

Summery of Programme


I didn't do the activity for the wiki as I was using a wiki for a uni assessment.
I enjoyed using the wiki. It was a great way to communicate with others for your group assignment. Wikis allowed you to post work at your leisure for others to view. It allowed you to comment on the work of others in your group and edit your work. The wiki I used had a chat screen. When we meet online as a group to discuss our assessment, the wiki was very slow to respond. All members of our group had this problem.

Communication is more than just verbal and written, it is also the non verbal such as body language and tone of voice. without the body language and voice tone, it is so easy to take what is written in a chat session or senr via email the wrong way. Nor being able to respond to body language and tone of voice is a major disadvantage for online communication.


1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

It certainly is a challenge when writing an email or taking part in a chat session to ensure that complex and delicate shades of meaning are transmitted faithfully. Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
